Walking, jogging and running are great exercises to help you keep in shape. They are also great for working off stress. Walking is especially good for those who are just getting into the exercise habit. While these activities are good for your body on the one hand, if they are not done correctly, they can have detrimental effects on your back.
Get The Right Gear
You do not need any special equipment for these exercises but you do need to make sure you have the right shoes. A safe workout requires shoes that will provide the support your body needs. In order to prevent problems from developing, it is critical to get proper shoes. This is especially true if you are walking, running or jogging on hard surfaces such as asphalt or pavement.
Proper shoes are those that are cushioned and provide support for your spine. They act as shock absorbers when your feet strike the ground. Regardless of the type of exercise in which you choose to participate, you should have suitable shoes. There are differences in the types of shoes worn for walking and those used for running and jogging. Stores that specialize in running gear have sales associates who can explain the different types of shoes. Once you know the advantages and disadvantages of the different shoe designs, you can make an informed decision about the type of shoes you need.
Warm Up Before You Start
Starting your exercise without warming up first puts you at greater risk of injury. Warming up should be an essential component of your exercise routine. Gentle stretches warm up your muscles and get your body ready to move. It also revs up the cardiovascular system. Flexibility is also increased as blood flows to the muscles before actually running, walking or jogging.
Beginners Start Slowly
Summertime is when many people focus on getting in shape. If you have been sedentary or non-active and have made the decision to begin walking, jogging or running, be sure to start slowly. Start with walking before you transition to jogging or running.
Walking is a great exercise by itself and is better than no exercise at all. Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine to make sure there are no issues you need to be concerned about. If you do have pain, contact FullRange Spine & Ortho. Our state-of-the-art treatments help your body heal itself.
Posted on behalf of FullRange Spine & Ortho