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Do You Have Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Wrist Pain

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms most often present as a numb or tingling feeling in your fingers or hand, and can extend into the forearm. The sensation can feel akin to an electric shock. This presents in the thumb, along with the index, ring or middle fingers, and can radiate from the wrist further up the… Continue reading

How PRP Injections Can Help Soft Tissue Injuries

Happy Patient

After a soft tissue injury, many people can suffer from chronic pain. Surgery can cause patients to experience swelling and pain for weeks. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can provide faster and more complete healing with or without surgery. Here is how PRP injections can help soft tissue injuries. How PRP Injections Work Specialized cells called… Continue reading

Benefits of PRP Injections for Athletes

PRP Injections

Athletes are placed under significant pressure for high performance in every game. This can place tremendous physical stress on their bodies. Injuries can keep athletes from getting back into the competition. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can help athletes recover faster from a wide range of injuries. Here are three benefits PRP injections can provide for… Continue reading

Opioid-Free Treatment for Cancer Pain

Medical Professional

There are many different options for pain relief when going through cancer treatment. Beyond the typical opioid medications, there are other resources for help. You can discuss your pain with your Oncologist to find the best course of treatment for your discomfort during your cancer journey. Adjuvant Analgesics Antidepressants, anticonvulsants and steroids are often used… Continue reading

Are You Struggling to Find Relief from Tension Headaches?

Woman With Headache

Tension headaches are typically identifiable by their associated symptoms. If you are experiencing dull, aching pain that is accompanied by a sensation of tightness around the head, tension headaches could be the cause. Other signs of tension headaches include tension or pain in the shoulder and neck muscles. The exact cause of tension headaches is… Continue reading

Be Careful About Pounding the Pavement

back pain

Walking, jogging and running are great exercises to help you keep in shape. They are also great for working off stress. Walking is especially good for those who are just getting into the exercise habit. While these activities are good for your body on the one hand, if they are not done correctly, they can… Continue reading

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

woman in the mountains

Stem cells are blank, unspecialized cells that have the unique ability to change themselves into many other types of cells to aid the body to heal, grow, and regenerate. In the physical sense, stem cells serve as an in-house repair system for injuries. How Stem Cells Function Stem cells are responsive to conditions within the… Continue reading

Stem Cell Injections for the Knees

a man with knee pain

Whether your knee injury requires surgery or can be treated with alternative methods, stem cell injections may help you recover faster and more thoroughly. Over the past decade, stem cell injections have evolved in leaps and bounds. This therapy perfectly fits Dr. Nini’s mission to resolve injury with the very latest, proven, regenerative techniques that… Continue reading

Treatments for Knee Joint Pain

runing man

Knee joint pain can severely limit your mobility and bring pain and aggravation to all areas of your life. Knee injuries must be diagnosed as soon as possible to determine the cause before the condition worsens. Even if you are not an athlete and are not engaged in vigorous physical activities, your knees are in… Continue reading

Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Nini or Dr. Lee to discover how your injury, condition, or pain can be treated with cutting-edge regenerative medical techniques.
